trans-neptunian object


CSS and scripts and things of the sort. also a work in progress


i use stylus (for firefox) for custom CSS on other websites.

remove site view count from the neocities dashboard

.site-url + ul li:last-child { display: none; }

applies to URLs starting with:


imagemagick: batch convert (animated) webp to gif

magick mogrify -dispose previous -coalesce -format gif *.webp

run in a folder, and it will convert all webp files to gif.

gifsicle: resize gifs using nearest neighbor interpolation (good for pixel art)

gifsicle %1 --resize %2 --resize-method sample > resize.gif

%1 is the name of the file, %2 is the desired size, formatted as WxH.

example usage:

gifsicle favicon.gif --resize 64x64 --resize-method sample > resize.gif