trans-neptunian object


i always hate talking about myself, so i won't.

writing is something that's always meant a lot to me, presumably because i'd go insane if i couldn't scribble out my thoughts on a regular basis. it often intersects with many of my other interests, namely: linguistics, typography, psychology, religion and spirituality, semiotics, ruminating to an unhealthy extent, and books from the late-19th / early-20th centuries.

i usually prefer to write fiction, although i haven't included much of that on here. i'm not exactly well-versed in genres -- which is to say, i don't know shit -- but a majority of the work i admire (and try to mimic) is considered horror. in any case, i definitely have a tendency to fixate on "darker" topics (if that wasn't already obvious from the... you know, everything).

i also do some illustration, and have plenty of half-formulated projects lying about, but what i'd ultimately like to do is write a novel.

the main reasons i created this site were 1: to motivate myself to write more often, and 2: to learn html and css. i can't speak on the success of that first one, but i've had fun with the second.


additional links, information, etc.